Please make sure that the sacrifice of my life is not in - German cannibal tells of fantasy Joanne, Rob, DeeDee - I love you! Thank you for making my life so happy. Please leave immediately if you have a weak stomach or mind since I don't want to cause physical or mental distress. Please tell my story on every radio and television station and in every newspaper and magazine in the U.S. see if the shame facts, spread out in all their shame, will not burn through our civic shamelessness and set fire to American pride.

I am going to die in office in an effort to. But to those of you with depth and concern the real story will be what I hope and pray results from this morning-in the coming months and years, the development of a true Justice System here in the United States. To those of you who are shallow, the events of this morning will be that story. Last May I told you that after the trial, I would give you the story of the decade. After many hours of thought and meditation I've made a decision that should not be an example to anyone because it is unique to my situation. Wrote:"I've repeatedly said that I'm not going to resign as State Treasurer. That shit won't come up in Google but there are search engines that specialize in this genre. It's in police possession or something like that now, but I know clips are everywhere if you know where to look. You probably can't even see anything anyway.It's not hard to access the video. If I could see a vid of that, I'd watch it. ^o) They made like 3 movies about it and all 3 of them sucked. You probably can't even see anything anyway. That is a video I'm glad I don't have to watch (poor police person who had to).

Eventually he passed out and was killed and cut up even more by Meiwes. They ate it together so the guy was conscious for quite some time I imagine (turns out the dick isn't very tasty to eat). They met up and Meiwes cut off the dick of his victim and cooked it. Have you heard about Armin Meiwes, the Rotenburg Canibal (Germany) a couple of years ago? He found a volunteering victim on the internet who wanted to be eaten by a cannibal (no joke). That being said, there is some disturbing shit on the site called documentingreality. There's no way some guy's gonna chop off his dick and it just goes unreported/un-investigated. I bet a lot of the straight-up pics are just shopped too.Īnything that's legit will have been in the news somewhere. And I remember seeing on True Life (lol) where this girl did scat videos for money (she was a crack addict) and it was all fake. You'd pass out from the pain if you chopped your dick off. Like the blowfly girl thing is obviously trolling, and a lot of the other things (ie, pain olympics) are definitely not real. Guest wrote:I'm pretty confident a lot of these ~gross out~ things are faked.