Incoming latest version Adobe Zii Patcher 5.2.3.Also, the new version of Zii, Adobe CC worked without problems with the following: The latest version of Adobe Zii Patcher worked perfectly for each version, so just download this patch our site it works 100%. Adobe Zii 3.0.4 does not affect negatively your patched app, it makes it run. The use of the software is easier than the common patchers. Furthermore, Adobe zii is the universal adobe patcher appnee for Mac OS X is one of the most advanced patchers available in the market. Sometimes i need to open PSD and AI format files, mainly for quick tests and such. Everything works fine, even if dont even use these software that much. I have CC 2018, patched with 'Adobe Zii 3.0.4 CC 2018 Universal Patcher'. With this great tool, users can activate all applications of Adobe CC with one single click. Adobe Zii CC 2020 Universal Patcher for Mac Overview: Adobe Zii 2020 is a small and great utility which helps user forget about all issues with the registration of all Adobe existing products.